
Irish Wolfhound Heart Testing Day

What a busy day the Irish Wolfhound heart testing day turned out to be.  Many thanks to Rebecca Peek for organising it and organising me! Phew all the behind the scenes admin, paperwork and that is before Serena arrives.  

Serena (Sykes) Brownlie is such a lovely person, so dedicated to her work with our beloved Irish Wolfhounds and so calm, kind and patient when our hounds are unsure what is happening to them.  I met Anne Wilson for the first time too, she is very dedicated to supporting the breed and the Irish Wolfhound Health Group.  What a lovely lady, if only to walk a mile in her shoes, however not when she is sky diving !!

We had prepared in advance a private area, complete with non slip mats on the floor.  Everyone arrived with their Wolfies on time, and the day flowed extremely well.  Fortunately I had Ali to help with the coffee machine and cutting the cake; Carol Kelly dropped her off early, thank goodness. Hugh was on dishwasher duties and generally being controversial whereas Mick was on getting our Irish Wolfhounds into the down position, car park and general directions. I was on form filling out duty.  Chocolate cake and coffee were available in the kitchen and when Amanda Brown and Carl arrived the laughter arrived with them and the organisation went out of the window.  Amanda is extremely funny and trying desperately to count! I love Rodney, not only is he the same colour as Misty (my top girl) when I look at his head and eyes I can see her there too.  Yummy hound, he is almost as spoilt as Misty - lol!  Pauline made a surprise visit with Debbie, who had been sworn to secrecy about her coming, more laughter and noise from those two!!  

Interestingly we had a litter brother to one of my girls arrive and we had a puppy from that line too.  All behaved exactly the same not only for their owners but for Serena too, not naughty as such, but just the same.  It was lovely to see them all, the likenesses, not only in looks but behavior and also results! 

What a kind, interesting and genuine person Serena is, and it is really vital to support her research.  Looking forward to the next time and meeting you all. Also looking forward to getting together with Glenis and Lynda for a local girls chinwag.  

Please support the Irish Wolfhound Health Group every little helps.

