Bonaforte Irish Wolfhounds

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Reminder of the Oelmühle Rescue Offer

Follows is an extract from a letter sent in June 2014 by Jürgen Rösner of the Oelmühle Kennel, Germany to the Irish Wolfhound Club in the UK

“I am also very distressed to learn that apparently, dogs from my Kennel, which were sold in good faith, appear to have been unfairly treated and that there is evidence “of their onward sale to unsuitable homes”. …………..I would like to express my sincere apologies and deepest regret that this situation has arisen. Like any breeder, I am always keen to ensure that my dogs go to suitable homes and are treated properly (in accordance with point 10 of the IWC’s Code of Conduct for members), but ultimately we have to take buyers at face value and hope that they live up to our expectations. ....................................................................... As several members of the IWC Committee are also breeders and have exported (and imported) hounds over the years, I am sure that they will appreciate just how difficult it can be to keep track of dogs in another country, however, the important aspect at this stage is of course the welfare of the dogs themselves. With this in mind, I have asked my good friend and colleague, Carla du Rose of the Bonaforte Kennel to assist on my behalf and she has kindly agreed, should the need arise, to accommodate any Oelmühle related dogs at her own excellent facilities………. I understand that Carla has already performed a similar service with a re-homed dog from a European breeder that had connections to Liz Thornton’s bloodlines and thankfully that hound has been successfully placed in a new home. It is also important to note, and I would like to inform both you and your members, that the Oelmühle Kennel has over the past thirty years, rescued many Irish Wolfhounds that were exported from the UK to Germany and other European countries. Such rescues were done sympathetically and quietly, without fanfare or fuss, and always with the welfare of the animal as the first priority.  Some of these dogs remained at Oelmühle and some were placed in knowledgeable homes, as befitting their needs.   At this time I do not wish to name the kennels involved, but amongst them are several well known UK breeders, who all exported hounds in good faith to what they obviously perceived as good homes.  The point I make is that I am not alone in exporting a dog to what later proves to be an unsuitable owner ............................................

Be mindful that the offer mentioned in this extract above was made in June 2014 to the UK Irish Wolfhound Club and still stands; therefore, any Oelmühle related hound (in other words a dog with an Oelmühle parent or even grandparent) that requires help or assistance is unconditionally welcomed by the Bonaforte Kennel. Carla du Rose will happily offer sanctuary to any Oelmühle related Wolfhound that needs re-homing on a permanent or temporary basis, no matter what the circumstances or status of the dog. In addition, any such dog will be afforded the same services that are already offered to Heliodor and Bonaforte hounds including free heart testing, fostering, support and advice, assessment and onward placement in a suitable home. All services are offered completely free of charge to the current owner and related costs will be borne by the Oelmühle Kennel. As such, this strand of Wolfhound rescue is entirely separate to the Irish Wolfhound Rescue Trust (IWRT) and in no way incurs any cost to the IWRT or depletes its Wolfhound Rescue funds.